Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Joss Whedon is a Fucking Pussy

Those hovering around our corner of the internet have certainly heard of the latest iteration of "social justice" outrage. As far as outrages go, this was actually far from ordinary. Predictably, but nevertheless hilariously, the "social justice" mob turned on one of its own - white knight extraordinaire Joss Whedon.

Yet another low-T status whore.

You, my dear reader, will likely remember how this character routinely stood with the "social justice" mob before, lambasting GamerGate and submitting himself to the feminist will.

Now, the tables have turned. Joss Whedon was "chased off of twitter" yesterday by the same mob that he has so gleefully sided with in the past. His crime? In the new Avengers movie Black Widow was sterilized and wanted to run off with Bruce Banner (AKA The Hulk). Or something. Don't know. Haven't seen the movie and I don't plan to. Once again it was manufactured outrage.

It was all too ironic that this "man" criticized Jurassic Park for "sexism" only months earlier. He later retracted his comment, saying it was "bad form."

Some twitter mob extracts:

You can find more here.

This is all too delicious for me. Once more, it shows that you cannot ally with these people. You cannot ally with them because they cannot be satisfied. You will eventually run afoul of them. The perpetual outrage machine will run on, and in an attempt to status whore and appear holier-than-thou, the degenerate "social justice" mob will eventually find someone to be outraged at. Always remember, white knights, tomorrow, the target might be you.

The only way to deal with these degenerates is to treat them with contempt, as insufferable subjects that must bow to your will, for that is what they truly are.

As a final note, Joss Whedon is a pussy for letting these degenerates get to him. He's a big Hollywood guy, to submit to these losers is indicative of his vacillating character. He certainly looks the part. He deserves it all though. Fuck him.

1 comment:

  1. Joss is a pussy, never been in a fist fight and isn't competent to protect himself or his family
