Friday, June 27, 2014

Three Approach Adventure - The Worst & The Best

I've been going out for long walks to do some daygaming for the past couple of months. This is good bodily exercise as well as gives you more experience.

I'll tell you this: if you're sitting at home all day, or you're working in an environment where there aren't many attractive women, the first thing you need to do is desensitize yourself to their presence. If you're only seeing beautiful women in pictures, or worse, as porn, your innate approach anxiety is going to be increased fivefold.

Once you get used to being in the presence of beautiful women, approaching them becomes a bit less difficult. Once you begin your first few approaches, it becomes even less so.

To this regard I again return to a quote by Louis XIV:

“Habit is the most safe and most convenient mistress to render all things easy to us; the most arduous labor in itself insensibly becomes easy to those who are inured to it for a long time, and such dangers as at first astonish the multitude have so little effect upon those who are accustomed to them that they behold them undismayed.”

Today I went out and approached three women. The first was the worst rejection I've ever gotten. The third was the hottest girl I've approached yet. (If you want to know, the stories I choose to relay on this blog are the ones that are unique to me and that I learn the most from, that's why I emphasize this or that thing.)

The first one was a street approach. An attractive blonde was walking by. I sighted her without much time to think. An indirect opener (such as McQueen's Starbucks Opener) would probably have been better in this situation, but having no time to think, I just went direct and asked if she was going to walk out of my life forever.

Her reaction was a sarcastic "uhh...yeah...?"

And this was the worst rejection I've had so far.

This just again proves that any fear of rejection and the unknown is ridiculous. Nothing happens. I've taken and laughed at far worse stuff than this.

The second approach was in the park. This girl had a dog and I opened her about it. She was very talkative, but she was waiting for a landwhale of a friend. When the friend came along, I ejected. I didn't feel like competing for attention with the landwhale. I told myself had better things to do (and indeed, I did).

I pussied out of doing another approach. There was a sunbather that I wanted to talk to. I admit, at this point I'm still confounded with how to approach these girls. It's summer time and there are a lot of girls in bikinis soaking up sun at the parks. This one wasn't even reading or had headphones in, too, a common obstacle with these girls. Overall, I'm not too worried about this. I'll figure it out. The barrier is more psychological than anything else (as most things are).

However, as I was contemplating approaching the sunbather I noticed a very beautiful girl walk by. Tanned, long hair, red lipstick to contrast the tan, and very high heels. My brain was still in freeze mode while contemplating to approach the other girl, and she walked by.

After pussying out, I exited the park. I decided to walk down the avenue on the outskirts of the park because there were more girls there. Then I saw her again, moving to cross the street. My brain was telling me that this must have been fate.

Naturally, I took advantage and followed her. I saw that she was carrying one of those Louis Vuitton bags that every other girl carries. That was my opener. When we reached the end of the street, I looked at it and teased her about it.

We walked and talked for several blocks. It turns out she's a model, which is something I sort of suspected. I must say I'm better at making small talk than I thought I was. I'm a pretty talkative guy, and tend to dominate my conversations quickly. This can either be an asset or a curse when it comes to game.

When I asked her out for coffee, she told me she had a fiance. Whether it's true or not is irrelevant. However, what matters more is that she responded that she thought I was just being nice. This again tells me that injecting more masculine sexual energy into my approaches (especially when going indirect, and in the daytime where touching has to be kept to a minimum) is something I need to work on.

Nevertheless it was a good interaction that left us both happier for having had it (evidenced by the fact that she hugged me goodbye with an enthusiastic smile on her face). It was also quite telling to know that the hottest girl I've yet approached was also one of the nicest.

A year ago when I began this blog, the element of doubt was very much present. The beta voice in my head was telling me that I would never have been able to approach a girl that hot on the street in the daytime and ask her out. Yet here I am. It's taken consistent months of effort in multiple areas to overcome those psychological barriers, but here I am.

There are new obstacles now to be overcome, new challenges await, but it is these challenges that make us men. The betas shrink from them. The ones that rise to glory meet them with eagerness, as it means that life is not boring.

As an aside, I was listening to this old folk song today, and I think it sums up perfectly this drive for adventure and challenge that rumbles inside the heart of men seeking glory:

"Hark now the drums beat up again
For all true soldier gentlemen,
Then let us list and march, I say,
Over the Hills and far away.

Over the hills and o'er the main
To Flanders, Portugal and Spain,
Queen Anne commands and we'll obey,
Over the hills and far away.

All gentlemen that have a mind,
To serve the queen that's good and kind,
Come list and enter into pay,
Then over the hills and far away.

No more from sound of drum retreat,
While Marlborough and Galway beat,
The French and Spaniards every day,
When over the hills and far away."

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My Strength & Weakness Census

It was time for this post. It was long overdue. A disappointing day wherein I squandered an opportunity (not to approach, but for social advancement) made me force myself to do this post. I think everyone should do this, perhaps yearly, so you know where you stand and what you need to work on.


  • I am an extremely fast learner.
  • When I want to be, I am very sociable and gregarious, and tend to dominate my interactions quite quickly. I'm a great conversationalist, since I know a lot about a large variety of topics.
  • I'm creative, quick-witted, and adaptable.
  • I can plan very far ahead.
  • I'm pretty grounded in myself and my trajectory, so I don't care so much about external setbacks.


  •  I am extremely self-critical at times, as I've mentioned before. I've worked on this and reduced it, but it's still present. This means I tend to get insecure about a few things that are really nothing to bat an eye over.
  • I over think things. Analysis paralysis is a very present state within me.
  • I procrastinate, though I've lessened the impact of this.
  • I need to budget my time better. This is key, and this is why I fell down last night. It's hard for me to concentrate on one thing at a time for too long (unless it's fitness-related). I really just need to impose a harsher discipline, even though I've done a lot better on this in the past year.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Two Approaches & A Fast Learning Curve

This is just a copy/paste of a post I made on the Roosh V forum, since I'm too lazy to do an entirely original entry this morning:

Two approaches yesterday.


I was sitting next to this girl on the train. Blonde, green eyes. She got off on the same stop I did. I made eye contact with her a few times, and even though she was wearing headphones, I just opened indirect.

We just talked about the heat first, and then she mentioned she was from Florida originally. I told her I used to go down there a lot when I was younger. Connection made. We had a pretty good conversation from there and she was quite friendly. When her transfer train came I asked her to get coffee but she said she had a boyfriend. I used my usual counter, but I think a bit too late, oh well.

Were it not for the boyfriend I think I would have had this one.

Things I think I could have done better on the approach though, are as follows:

1. Although my voice tone and body language was dominant (again guys, working out and consistently practicing speaking by making videos and podcasts REALLY helps to make you naturally good in these areas), I should have asserted a more sexual vibe as Gio says. I did however assert some dominance by signaling her to stop talking when a train was approaching and she complied. That was good.
2. I should have given her one specific compliment. I liked her perfume. That would have been an ideal choice, but I forgot it in the heat of the moment.


This was the first time I actually approached a girl on the street. Dark hair, nice tits. On the way home, I saw her wandering back and forth and asked humorously if she was lost. She responds in a foreign accent that she wasn't. There was my opening, as I asked her where she was from. She told me she was from France, and Paris specifically.

This was also a connection because my brother visited Paris last year. So we talked about Paris vs New York. Again it was a nice conversation but the girl was in a rush. She told me she needed to find her bank. At the end of the block she went off.

What I should have done was grab her by the arm and with a masculine smile asked her what bank she needed to find, as I have lived in this neighborhood my whole life and I would certainly be more efficient at finding it than you are, or something like that.

But hey, this is how you learn. It's pretty amazing how much momentum you can get after doing an approach, even if it doesn't end the way you want. All the fear is utter bullshit. This stuff is fun.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Ten Lessons in Life from Louis XIV

Louis XIV was King of France and Navarre from 1643 to 1715. His reign was the longest in European history, and he presided over a period of immense transformation. Under him, France emerged as the leading power in Europe, and not just in military or political affairs, but in the arts and culture as well. He bent the nobility to his will. The great nobles who had once participated in the Fronde and their heirs had been reduced from being lords of vast estates to quarreling with one another over who had the right to hand Louis his clothing in the morning. Louis' territorial gains were immense, and he forever ended the threat of an aggressive Spain by placing his grandson on the Spanish throne in 1700, and successfully defending that claim (admittedly not without great cost).

Throughout his long life, Louis was motivated by an insatiable desire for glory and the attaining of magnificence. Unbeknownst to most, however, is that Louis left behind a significant collection of memoirs and letters. These were eventually coalesced into a book. It is not widely read today, but I was pleasantly surprised to be able to find the work online.

It is a long read, and admittedly can get tedious at times. However, there are a large number of extremely relevant passages within its pages that teach invaluable lessons on being a great man - leadership, the wielding of power, the psychology and motivation to win, and how to live a fulfilling life. I've collected what I thought were some of the most relevant lessons that Louis has to teach us, and present them below:

1. Be Informed, Learn From History, and Follow the Examples of Other Great Men

Poor information will lead to poor decision-making, as Louis writes:

"Whoever is poorly informed cannot avoid poor thinking."

"A sovereign should take the greatest care to be informed of his own times, for if a man is fully informed he will always do what he should."

Louis was no stranger to history. He knew that he needed to learn the valuable lessons that other men could teach and pass on. Just as we are now learning from him, he learned from others:

"The example of illustrious men provides very useful perspectives for war and peace, so that a naturally great and generous soul, contemplating these actions, would be inspired by them and ensure that the lessons of history can inspire others as well."

"I have heard it said that all the great heroes of the past were conversant with literature and that part of their greatness was due to their literary study. Particularly I found the study of the past to be very useful in becoming wise in the art of war..."

“It is not sufficient for a prince who wishes to distinguish himself from others merely to know what is passing in his own time, but that he ought also to inform himself of every remarkable circumstance which took place at a more remote period. I considered that the knowledge of those great events which have taken place in different centuries, when meditated upon by a solid and active mind, would tend to fortify his reason in all important deliberations; that the example of those illustrious men and singular achievements which antiquity furnishes us with, would supply with useful hints either for war or peace, and that a generous and enlightened mind, intent on the ideas of those glowing virtues, would ever find a stimulus to the practice of great actions.”

2. Shut the Fuck Up

It is wiser to say less than it is to say more:

 “One of the best experiences to practice is to listen oftener than to speak; for it is a difficult matter for persons who are fond of speaking to refrain from saying something too much.”

Admittedly, I still have much practicing to do in this area.

Although Louis did not write this himself, the notes at the end of the first volume reveal this bit of information from a contemporary, Madame de Calyus, writes:

"He carefully examined the respective dispositions and thoughts of his hearers: he was extremely prudent: he knew how every word which a monarch utters is canvassed over in public, and he often kept to himself those discoveries which his penetration had enabled him to make. If important affairs were the subject in question, the most learned and enlightened persons were astonished at the knowledge he displayed; they saw that he was more thoroughly conversant with the matter than they, and were charmed with the manner in which he expressed his thoughts."

The abbe de Choicy also said of Louis:

"His unprepared and least studied answers outdid the most carefully digested speeches of others."

3. Regulate Your Conduct Wisely

As Louis found it wise and necessary to regulate his speech wisely, he says the same regarding one's overall conduct and moral character:

"A bloody and ferocious temper is despicable in a man, and beneath the dignity of a king."

"On every occasion declare yourself to be on the side of virtue and against vice."

"The greater the merit and virtue of the prince, the harder the envious will try to dim his brilliance. Therefore some faults will be attributed to him which he is entirely innocent. Therefore a sovereign cannot live too wisely or too innocently. It is not enough to provide for general affairs, but you must regulate your own morals."

4. Make Decisions with Conviction

What ultimately separates the successful from the unsuccessful in life is the ability to make good decisions. Louis knew intimately that all avenues of thought must be considered, but that holding off too long will only create timidity or worse. In this vital area of life he has this to say:

"There are often troublesome occasions which may cause you to hesitate in making a decision, but once you do, and think you have seen the best course, you must take it."

“Uncertainty will sometimes make a prince pass very painful moments; but when a reasonable time has been bestowed on the examination of an affair, he must take a determination according to his best judgment, without protracting that state of suspense any longer.”

However, Louis warned the Dauphin not to make decisions too hastily either:

“Better to conclude our business somewhat late than to ruin it by using too much precipitancy. Our impatience only tends to delay that which we eagerly wished to forward.”

5. Get off Your Ass

Louis XIV did not simply cultivate France as the leading power in Europe by engaging in idle hedonism. He in fact astonished the country when he said that he would rule without a prime minister after the death of Cardinal Mazarin in 1661. He was determined to do the work himself, and devoted himself to his work so much that on the very same day that he had an operation for an anal fistula in 1686 (an extremely serious condition at the time), he still attended his council meeting later. On the subject of working hard he notes:

“You will always find in me the same perseverance in labor, the same firmness of resolution, the same love for my people, the same passion for the prosperity of my state, and the same ardor for true glory.”

 “Two things were without doubt necessary: very hard work on my part, and a wise choice of persons capable of seconding it.”

A typical day for him might have gone like this:

“The morning, as usual, was taken up with the different councils of justice, commerce, finances, and dispatches; the afternoon, with the current affairs of the state, and in the evening, instead of following any diversion, as I had been accustomed to, I reentered my closet in order to business, either to talk about the war with Luvois, who had that department, or on other affairs which I had resolved to examine myself; and if after that I had any time left, I employed it in writing these Memoirs which you are now reading.”

Louis in fact made it a rule to work twice a day with various other people aside from the hours he worked alone or devoted to extraordinary affairs. He notes:

“I cannot tell you what fruits I immediately gathered from this decision. I could feel my spirits and my courage rising. I was a different person. I discovered something new about myself and joyfully wondered how I could have ignored it for so long. That first shyness, which always comes with good sense and which was especially disturbing when I had to speak at some length in public, vanished in less than no time. I knew then that I was king and born for it.”

The biggest impediment to glory is sitting around and doing nothing. This is a sort of suicide by stasis, and I know this intimately because that's how I used to be. Louis notes in great detail just these dangers:

"Nothing is more taxing than prolonged idleness. You will be disenchanted first with affairs, next with pleasures, and third with idleness itself. You will seek everywhere in vain for what cannot be found. That is the problem with rest and leisure without some labor to precede it."

6. Have No Favorites

Louis XIV, in consolidating absolute power in the monarchy, made sure to elevate himself above anyone else. He clearly understood the danger of placing too much esteem in a single person, even his own family, as such attachments could prove dangerous:

"Have no attachment ever to anyone."

"My brother, who, without doubt, in the state things were in, could not have very urgent business, and who from his own inclination did not think proper to occupy his time with anything that was useful or agreeable, had at his leisure hours resolved to demand that his wife when in the presence of the Queen might be allowed an arm chair. In consequence of the friendship which I entertained for him I could have wished never to deny him anything, but aware of the consequence this encroachment might be, I let him know, immediately, with all possible delicacy, that I could not grant his request; that I was willing to do everything to elevate him beyond my other subjects, and would always do it with pleasure; but that such demands which seemed to interfere with my own dignity, I thought it my duty to refuse. In short, I begged him to never indulge in any such thoughts, and endeavored to convince him by good reasoning how necessary it was that I should respect the rank which I held, how much his own pretensions were ill-founded, and how useless it would be for him to persist in them."

7. Your True Friends Are Never Yes Men

In his instructions to his grandson, the Duke of Anjou, who was soon to become Phillip V of Spain, he remarked:

"Love all people attached to you, do not give preference to those who flatter you most, and hold in high esteem those who for a good cause venture to displease you. They are your real friends."

In the main memoirs to his son the Dauphin, he wrote this about the nature of courtiers and their flattery:

“Praise is of a very delicate texture, and we should be very careful how we are caught by its dazzling appearance, as it requires much penetration to discern truly our flatterers from our real admirers.

“But however obscure the intentions of our courtiers may be, there is nevertheless, a certain mode by which we may turn everything they say to our advantage; which is simply, to examine ourselves closely on the subject of praise which others have bestowed on us; for when we hear certain encomiums which we ourselves are unconscious of deserving, it will immediately lead us to reflect on them (according to the temper of those who bestowed them) either as a malignant reproach for some error, which we, in consequence, should immediately endeavor to correct, or as a secret exhortation to a virtue to which we have hitherto been insensible.

“Supposing even that we conceive ourselves really deserving of that which is spoken in our favor, instead of simply contenting ourselves with the praises which we have received, they ought rather to serve us as a stronger stimulus to merit new encomiums; for this assuredly is one of those mediums whereby the elevated mind may be distinguished from those who never rise beyond mediocrity; to behold the latter charmed with the empty noise of applause which is incessantly flattering their ears, abandoning themselves to inactivity and indolence, eager to persuade themselves that they have done enough; while the former, continually burning with an equal ardor, seem never fully satisfied, as if everything which is lavished to allay that fire with which they seem to burn only to increase its violence.

“It is only after this manner, my son, that glory becomes amiable; the thirst for which it inspires is not a weak passion which becomes cloyed with possession; it is never obtained but by strong efforts, and never becomes satiating; and he who can rest contended without seeking new favors is unworthy even of those which he has already received.”

8. Maintain The Frame of the Master

Louis was a firm believer in his divine right to rule. This seeped into his internal psychology from the time he was a small child. It became his standard programming and he acted in that part without fail throughout his life. When it comes to maintaining this frame, Louis has much to say throughout the memoirs:

"The mistakes I have made, and which have caused me infinite trouble, have been caused by kindness, and by allowing myself to surrender too heedlessly to the advice of others."

"If you must punish people who you are naturally disposed to, do it, as the interests of the state must come first."

"Treat your servants well, but do not allow them too much familiarity, and trust them still less. Use them when they are well behaved. Dismiss them on the least fault."

"Divide the execution of your confidence. Do not entirely trust it to anyone. Assign various persons various functions in keeping with their talents. This is perhaps the foremost talent of princes."

"Men are always tempted to use the power they have. No one shares in your work without participating in your power. Leave only as much of it to others as you must, for however careful you are, you will always lose much more of it than you should."

“Take particular care to avoid granting favors to those persons who have their way with offering bribes. Be bountiful yourself, and time your liberalities as well as you can, but receive no presents, excepting very insignificant ones. If it should so happen that, on certain occasions, you cannot refuse accepting some, do not fail to make more valuable ones in return, as soon after as you conveniently can.”

"Never allow yourself to be ruled. Have no favorites or prime minister. Listen to and consult with your council, but decide yourself."

“Nothing is so dangerous as weakness, of whatever kind it be. To command others, one must raise oneself above them; and after having heard all sides one must decide on the judgment one may come to with an open mind, always keeping in view to order or do nothing unworthy of oneself, of the character one bears, or of the greatness of the State.”

"When we behold a prince busily employed in looking after every thing which is done for the good of the service; when we see that nothing can escape his sight; that he discerns every thing, weighs every thing, and that sooner or later he punishes or rewards every person; it is impossible that but he must be better obeyed, and better esteemed."

Louis also understood the psychology of crowds, and the arrogance of the mob mentality. In this day and age especially, the advice he gives is very sage:

“In a popular assembly, the more you assent to, the more they grasp after: the more you caress them, the more they will despise you; and that which they are once put in possession of is retained by so many hands that you cannot deprive them of it but by extreme violence.”

“Of so many persons who compose those numerous assemblies, the most ignorant are those who often take the greatest liberties; and if you pay any deference to their opinion on any one occasion, they pretend to the right ever after to regulate your projects according to their own fancy; and the continued necessity you will find yourself under to guard against their attempts will be more troublesome to you than all the other interests of your crown; for which reason the Prince who is desirous that his people should enjoy a durable tranquility, and that his dignity should descend entire to his successors, cannot be too careful in suppressing such audacious assemblies.”

9. Never Take Serious Advice From Women

Louis XIV had many mistresses during his reign (or rather, during the early part of it - his string of mistresses lasted from the late 1650's to the early 1680's). This combined with his astute mastery of social dynamics and the maintenance of power meant he was speaking from very extensive experience. On matters of the heart, he has this to say:

While we abandon our heart we should remain masters of our own mind. We should separate the tenderness of the lover from the resolutions of the sovereign, and the beauty in whose possession we rejoice should never be allowed the right of speaking to us on business, or interfering about the persons we employ.

“In the same manner as a fortified place is attacked, so is the heart of a prince. The first step is to take possession of every post or avenue leading to it: an artful woman at first sets about removing all those who are not in her own interests; she inspires us with suspicions against some and excites our displeasure against others, in order that she herself and her own friends alone may be listened to; and unless we are well on our guard against these practices, we are exposed to the necessity of giving offense to every person in order to gratify her alone.

“From the instant that you allow a woman the liberty of speaking to you on affairs of importance, it is impossible but what she must mislead you. This predilection we feel for her, induces us to approve of arguments that are bad in themselves, hurries us insensibly into her way of thinking, and her own weakness, causing her to prefer frivolous interests to more solid considerations, she infallibly adopts ill-timed and pernicious resolutions.

“Women are eloquent in their expressions, pressing in their requests, obstinate in their notions; and all this is often found merely on some aversion against some individual, some wish to promote another, or some promise imprudently given. No secret can be safe in their keeping for they may, from mere simplicity and ignorance, discover what should be concealed, or if they possess wit and knowledge, they seldom fail to form secret intrigues and connections; they have them a certain set of counselors, who are to advise them how to preserve or promote their own greatness, to whom they never fail to impart everything which they know, with a view merely to those advantages which they may derive from the circumstance.

“It is in these councils that they in every instance deliberate about what course they shall take, what means they shall adopt to accomplish what they have undertaken, to rid themselves of those who may have hurt them, to advance their friends, to entangle us still closer in their fetters; while we all along have no other means left to escape than to forbid their speaking about any subjects, save those of pleasure and amusement, and make up our minds not to believe any one of their suggestions concerning matters of business and our confidential servants.

“I will candidly confess, however, that a prince whose heart is strongly possessed by love, being at the same time disposed to esteem her whom he loves, will find it hard to observe these precautions; but the more painful the trial the brighter our virtue appears; besides it is certain that these precautions are most indispensable and that it is for want of their being attended to that we behold in history so many fatal instances of royal houses extinct, thrones destroyed, provinces laid waste, and empires overturned.”

10. You Alone are Responsible for Your Fortune

Most people are keen to blame other people or circumstances for the misfortunes that they are suffering. This is in fact a form of narcissism, because it holds the implicit belief that you are essentially infallible. We've all fallen into this trap, and modern society only encourages this innate narcissism far further than it should go. Louis admonishes this mindset:

“The greater part of mankind are accustomed to regulate their conduct by their humor more than by their reason, and very often have nothing to guide them in their designs but their honor and their passions, that disposition of theirs, which always remains the same, always keeps them in the same route; so that in any disorders which they see in their affairs, or any misfortunes which happen to them, they have not the good sense to seek the cause in their conduct, but they impute every evil to the simple caprices of Fortune, and do not consider that if after they had felt her first blows they had adopted a new method of acting with her, they would most assuredly have secured themselves from greater evils; for it is certain that one of the safest remedies against the changes of Fortune is to know how to change with her, and you ought not to think my son, that the firmness of which I spoke to you at other times is at all opposed to the maxim which I have established for your guidance here, as that virtue does not consist in always doing the same thing, but in doing the thing which tends to the same end."

“Habit is the most safe and most convenient mistress to render all things easy to us; the most arduous labor in itself insensibly becomes easy to those who are inured to it for a long time, and such dangers as at first astonish the multitude have so little effect upon those who are accustomed to them that they behold them undismayed.”

"The surest way of acquiring glory is always to follow the dictates of reason."

"Those who have enough merit to succeed often find a certain greatness in recognizing their errors."

"Time, action itself, and the aid of heaven usually break a thousand paths and uncover a thousand unexpected solutions."

There is much more wisdom to be gleaned from the pages of these memoirs, and brevity requires that I cut the entry off here. If you want to learn more I suggest taking up Roosh's big ass book challenge and reading them yourself. You can find the full book here. There are also some valuable excerpts here and here.

A more condensed version of this post can now be found at Return of Kings.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

...And Then They Fight You

Likely as part of the ongoing echoes of Elliot Rodger, comedian Chris Gethard (who I'd heard of but never saw) made this video attacking the men's underground online (for lack of a better term, because it's a wide community, so wide that trying to lump them all together as these people are trying to do really constitutes a fallacy of composition):

It was hard for me to watch this (hell it's hard for me just to look at the thumbnail), but watch it I did. While Elliot Rodger still of course takes the cake for most pathetic male of 2014 (thus far), this guy is a solid runner-up. This guy is an absolute fucking loser. He may have gotten lucky and made it big in comedy, but he has the mentality of a loser, and if he had not been so fortunate, he would be a nameless nobody, and content with it.

First let's talk about the non-verbal communication. The guy looks like a nerd. Smug, emasculated smile. Thick-rimmed glasses, slouched shoulders. You can obviously tell he doesn't work out. Bad style. Then of course there's his voice. It is weak, submissive, completely lacking in power. He is speaking from his throat, not his chest and diaphragm. Most communication, as we know, is non-verbal, and you can tell just by these things that what he actually does say is going to be completely worthless. He does not disappoint.

Most of the video consists of the usual Cultural Marxist shaming tactics, sprinkled with a bit of factual inaccuracies (the wage gap myth). Standard PC stuff. Then he goes into what makes the video stand out.

First he talks about how he didn't have the best time in high school given his appearance. But it "turns out OK." We all know this probably meant he wound up settling in some way. Instead of trying to actually improve his appearance, he settles.

Then he goes into the most hilarious part of this aptly titled "rant.:"

"You'll realize you'll just want to have an HDTV and a lady who thinks you're reasonably cool. One day you'll be like 37 and you'll have a mortgage and you'll be totally OK with that. You'll be completely fine."

In other words, perpetually working for somebody else, getting into debt, and settling for whatever girl you can get is totally fine. Don't aim for anything higher than mediocrity. Mediocrity is fine.

I suspect he probably wants to pull us all down to the level of his own inner misery. He does this by pulling out the standard leftist shaming tactics (in this case calling you a "woman hater") if you disagree with him.

It's hilarious, but also sad. Twenty years ago this guy would be laughed at like the nerd that he is. Now he thinks he's actually in a position to tell other men what they should do.

However, it's also a sign that we're beginning to reach the "then they fight you" portion of Gandhi's famous quote.

The ignoring phase was just that.

The laughing phase was when game first started to come to the mainstream and people laughed at the douchebags in top hats (somewhat justifiably). This then carried over to the next generation where they tried to lump all of the men's underground into that same category.

When they began to realize that that was not the case, and that the underground was continuing to gather steam, the fangs began to come out. This is the latest iteration. It's pathetic, but a sign of a positive step forward.

Because we all know what happens after they fight you.