Well, the year is now coming to an end. It's time for me to reflect on my overall goals for the year.
1. My writing wasn't at as much of a rapid pace in the fourth quarter as it was in the first two, but it was satisfactory enough because it was at a level high enough for me to complete my epic novel. This was a spectacular accomplishment and I rightly feel very satisfied with myself.
2. Those whole thoughts about having social anxiety were bullshit. As I mentioned before, my approach anxiety was totally destroyed this year, another momentous accomplishment. I have become more confident now than I've ever been in my life. After taking a number of MBTI tests and coming across the ENTJ result in most of them, it described my personality and natural thought processes very well. These types are natural leaders, which I always have been. I embraced this and realized that I had many gifts and I was the only one holding myself back. That is now gone. Expanding my larger social circle lagged a bit though, which is something I will not overlook going into the next year.
3. Although I've been slacking in the fourth quarter, especially in December (due to my foot hurting me, not holiday binging), I still have made a couple of modest gains - on my biceps and on my abs. My four pack started to become a six pack. My stomach became even flatter.
4. This is the one that's stalled the most. I did get a modest promotion at work, but not enough to give me the amount of money I want. I took advantage of GamerGate to launch a new site, but it is still in its infancy. I finished my real estate training and will be taking the test to get a certified license in early January. Hopefully 2014 was spent in creating the foundations for the money stream in 2015.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Monday, December 29, 2014
Top Ten Cultural Marxist Blunders of 2014
For those of us in this sphere, 2014 has been pretty remarkable. Cultural Marxism and its warrior-monks, the Social Justice Warriors, got hammered hard. The year didn't begin this way. As a matter of fact it seemed that the Social Justice Warriors would be just as powerful as they were in 2013 if not more. In April they successfully hunted a lion by axing Brendan Eich, creator of Javascript, from his job at the head of Mozilla, the company behind Firefox, simply because he made a small donation to an organization opposed to homosexual marriage in California in 2008 (which at the time was the exact same position Barack Obama had when he was elected). This ex-post facto mob "justice" against such an accomplished and high-status man signified to me that the power of the social justice mob would not be checked any time soon.
The second half of 2014 was quite different however. Through a series of mistakes and blunders on their part, especially in that crucial second half, the power of the social justice mob began to be actively resisted and even repulsed. I did not expect this kind of awakening. I thought that their only opponents would be those communities that were considered fringe such as the anti-feminists in the Atheist community and the Manosphere, who would be doomed to wage a defensive guerrilla war as more and more territory fell.
Then along came these blunders, and they revealed that not only was opposition to Cultural Marxism far more ingrained than I expected, but it really seemed that the archetypal "silent majority" had finally had enough and was beginning to push back. It was Cultural Marxists that were the fringe, albeit backed by the elites. Corruption, cronyism, and nepotism was revealed to such an extent that they perhaps shocked even folks like us. To my astonishment and delight, the forces opposed to Cultural Marxism and its social justice mob began to actively take the offensive in the waning days of 2014. They have cost the social justice industrial complex paragon that is Gawker over a million dollars, forced it to change the way it creates its content, and the FTC is continuing to investigate. Women are now actively renouncing feminism and thinking themselves "cool" for doing so (which chips away at part of what gives feminism credibility in the first place). Through the efforts of a veteran captain in the ongoing war, a mainstream publication was forced to alter its narrative regarding a supposed victim of rape whose account did not add up.
Before my eyes, we were turning into an offensive force, and it was glorious.
Napoleon, that deity of warfare, uttered a famous remark: "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." While I don't wish to educate my enemies on what they did wrong, Cultural Marxists aren't exactly the sharpest tacks in the shed, so I'm pretty confident that they won't take heed of this.
So without further ado, let's highlight the top ten Cultural Marxist blunders of 2014.
10. Ban Bossy
This one came back in March. The grand idea was to encourage more girls to get into leadership positions. In this regard the campaign was basically benign in its intentions, if overdone, and that's why it does not score higher on the list. The lynchpin of the campaign - its marketing, was that the word "bossy" somehow harmed girls' self-esteem and thus discouraged them from getting into leadership positions. The ridiculous non-sequitur did not go unnoticed, and the result was that the campaign was essentially dead on arrival. In terms of sheer stupidity, this ranks pretty high, but it was far from the "progressive" mob's biggest blunder of the year.
9. HeForShe
This was another non-starter emerging in September and was only slightly less ridiculous than Ban Bossy. The gist of this was that everyone's favorite type of feminist - an elite media darling white girl, in this case Emma Watson, made a speech launching a campaign in order to get men and boys to act as agents of change in order to support the movement for women's equality. This wouldn't be such a bad thing if the campaign was directed to places where women are actually oppressed, like Saudi Arabia or Iran, but we know that's not where feminists' priorities lie. Assisting feminists as a man is essentially castrating yourself, and more men than I ever dreamed of realized this in 2014. Men have our own issues that we need to work out. We will not willingly become eunuchs to assist deranged harpies for no one's benefit but theirs. This was immediately called out and the campaign was thus another flop.
8. The Blessings of Hollaback
Have you heard and perhaps seen that there's this thing called street harassment, and that every day women get harassed by men in droves just by walking outside? Yeah, I haven't either. According to Hollaback, an organization dedicated to "ending street harassment" however, this is a huge problem that women face simply for being women, and it happens constantly. They released much material to prove it this year, including the now-infamous "10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman" video in October.
The video, carefully cut and edited, purportedly showed the woman getting "harassed" 100 times, yet most of the comments directed her way were generic come-ons. Two men did follow her when she was clearly disinterested, which was weird and was bad game on their part, but that was the worst of it.
The video was quickly lampooned - not just by those in our sphere, but all over the internet. The fact that the vast majority of the so-called "harassment" came in the form of harmless come-ons was remarked upon by many, and the video very clearly painting black men as the villain for the majority of the time ran afoul of those other branches of the politically correct, Cultural Marxist religion who denounced the racial element. In a hilarious attempt to bridge that divide, some feminists attempted to redirect the problem of harassment to the Cultural Marxist establishment's villain extraordinaire - heterosexual white men. This was only met with further derision.
The motivations behind Hollaback were also questioned. If they were to have their way, normal human interaction would have to essentially be criminalized, a fact that many were wary of.
Hollaback released several of these videos throughout the year (another notable one occurred in July). In many respects Hollaback was the gift that kept on giving in 2014.
7. Anti-Rape Nail Polish is Actually Rape Culture!
Unless you're totally blind and deaf (is that too ableist for me to say?), you've heard of the existence of this rampant rape culture in the West, especially on college campuses. Rape is so extensive, 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted in some way during their university years, and many assaults go unreported. Date rape and even full-out gang rape are extremely common - or so feminists say.
So you would think that any way to prevent such occurrences would be a good thing in the minds of these people, right? Well, you'd be wrong.
In late August a company by the name of Undercover Colors announced that it was developing a nail polish that could detect the presence of date-rape drugs like Rohypnol and Xanax in drinks. All a woman needs to do is dip her nail into the drink, and if the polish changes color, one of these drugs is present.
How did feminists react to this sensible and easy way to prevent rape from occurring? They crowed like the typical harpies they are. Instead of praising it, they lambasted it. While they are correct about one thing - rape by "roofies" isn't actually that common, they quickly descended into the old cliches - "I shouldn't have to do anything to try to be safer! Teach men not to fucking raaaapppeeeeeee!" This combined with an anti-capitalist ethos (that the creators of the nail polish shouldn't be profiting from their own creation) quickly made the feminists once again a laughing stock, and showed their real priorities. They do not want to do anything productive to actually help women. They want women to be perpetual victims. Otherwise, they are out of a job. Horrified that this turn of affairs would force them to actually have lives instead of bitching on social media and blogs all day, this is something that absolutely must never occur.
As a matter of fact, it's probably (as is so common with Cultural Marxists) a case of projection. They hate people that are productive. This story made many realize it.
6. This is What Feminist T-Shirts Look Like
Continuing on with the theme that feminists aren't really interested in helping women so much as spreading their narrative to retain and expand their power, another attempt at outrage backfired on them not too long after the nail polish fiasco. In a case of what is almost akin to blackmail, Prime Minister David Cameron was asked to follow the example of fellow party leaders in Parliament Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg and take a picture wearing a shirt that stated "This is what a feminist looks like." He refused five times.
Well, it turns out that those shirts were alleged to have been made in a sweatshop where the women working earned 62 pence an hour. While it later turned out that not all of these accusations were accurate, the women working in the factories in Mauritius that pumped out the shirts still live in many ways like cattle. What was supposed to have embarrassed David Cameron therefore embarrassed his rivals, but embarrassed feminism even more, its hypocrisy all too apparent.
5. Ferguson/Staten Island Fallout
While feminism made far and away the most blunders of 2014 (this because feminism and its advocates are the most irrational and visibly so of all the Cultural Marxist branches), race hustling hit the big time this year too.
In July, Eric Garner, a black man selling loose cigarettes on Staten Island, was killed as a complication of a chokehold (banned in the NYPD) instituted by a white officer, Daniel Pantaleo. This was followed by the death of Michael Brown, an unarmed black man, at the hands of white officer Darren Wilson in August. Witnesses said that Brown had his hands up and yelled "don't shoot" to Wilson. Tensions began to simmer.
One of these cases was not like the other. Facts later revealed that Brown got into an altercation with the officer, which physical evidence backed up, and everyone worth their salt knows that eyewitness testimony is the lowest form of evidence that can be considered (and not even all witnesses agree on the now-mythical "hands up, don't shoot" account). Garner on the other hand, while committing a crime, did die in a likely needless manner - though he should not have resisted arrest (and if he were in better health, he wouldn't have died - a fact that he is responsible for).
Grand juries in both cases did not indict the officer involved. The result was a Social Justice Warrior firestorm that has lasted to this day. In the conflagration, two NYPD police officers: Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, were killed by a deranged gunman who proclaimed his desire to avenge Michael Brown's death, on December 20th. On Christmas Eve, another black man was shot, who, though he pointed a gun at police, the Social Justice Warriors are still raging. Protestors have shut down public places, disrupted traffic, and in truth, are abusing their First Amendment rights. The incidents have also led to riots.
Racial tensions are higher in 2014 than I can ever remember, and probably are at their highest point since the early 90's which included the Rodney King beating and the OJ trial (incidents which I cannot remember very well since I was a very small child). Many people are increasingly getting sick of the protests and the media spin, and are worried that the police will be too timid to enforce laws against blacks due to fears of political incorrectness (as we will soon see below, this leads to frightening results).
The sad fact of the matter is that the police in America have been militarized. Often, they look more like an occupying army than officers of the peace. Despite my SHITLORD level of privilege, I do not feel comfortable around the police. I try to avoid interacting with the police as much as I can. My brother, undoubtedly a fellow SHITLORD, has had some run-ins with them that demonstrate their militant, hostile nature.
The Cato Institute's study on the phenomenon and Radley Balko's Rise of the Warrior Cop demonstrate the situation clearly. Everyone is in danger from militarized police, who all too often turn our streets into a battlefield. However, by making this racially charged, the Social Justice Warriors and the media that sets their narrative have only obfuscated it and divided the populace. While only a minority see this now, more and more will see it in the future, and the Social Justice Warriors have again blundered by their improper reaction to these incidents.
4. Shirtstorm
Suppose you're an eminent scientist (Doctor Matt Taylor) who directed a mission that, for the first time in history, landed a spacecraft on a comet. The sheer logistics of the mission were astounding. First the scientists needed to know exactly where the comet would be in order to intercept it and force a landing, then the velocity of the craft relative to that of the comet, and a whole bunch of other things I'm probably unaware of. The mission went off without a hitch. A very small object was intercepted in the infinite vastness of space by an even smaller object and the two met.
It was a startling achievement. It was a day all of mankind should have celebrated. Instead, feminists frothed at the mouth over the shirt Taylor wore on the occasion, which featured images of women in sexy poses and was intended as a tribute to the friend who made the shirt for him, who is startlingly enough, a woman. The firestorm caused Taylor to break down and apologize the next day.
The ridiculousness of the situation need not be explained. It truly speaks for itself. Unfortunately, when I saw Doctor Taylor on a program a week or so later (obviously pre-recorded before the landing day), the first thing I thought of was not this man's accomplishment, but how he ran afoul of feminists.
This could be infuriating, but I look at the good side. Whenever people are reminded of this incident, they will be reminded of feminism in all its narcissistic and neurotic glory - that feminists took an outstanding scientific accomplishment and made it all about them. In terms of public relations, it was a perfect disaster.
3. The UVA Rape Hoax
I already mentioned the rape culture earlier. In an attempt to craft a heroic expose of the rampant culture of rape at universities, a "journalist" by the name of Sabrina Rubin Erdely penned a piece entitled "A Rape on Campus" for Rolling Stone.
In this triumph of truth, Erdely outlined the story of Jackie, a freshman at the University of Virginia that was subjected to a brutal gang rape by seven men on a table of broken glass in 2012. One of the men threw a beer bottle in her face with such velocity that the beer bottle broke. Jackie was afraid to report the incident so she did not. The story came out in the middle of November. It sparked a huge rage. UVA reacted by banning all fraternities and sororities until January. Protests against the culture of rape followed. The frat house where the rape was supposed to have taken place was vandalized. The fact that there were some prima facie inconsistencies (beer bottles do not, as Erdely contends, break when thrown at someone's face, there should have been a hospitalization record and medical report after such a brutal attack, etc.) in the story did not deter any of this.
Real journalists then began to investigate and discovered yet more inconsistencies in Jackie's account. The frat house where the rape was said to have occurred had no event on the night of the alleged attack (which was supposed to have happened during a frat party as an initiation ritual), Erdely did not even attempt to reach out to the accused, and it later turned out that Jackie was pursuing a man tangential to the story that turned down her romantic advances. The story fell apart. It fell apart to such an extent that Rolling Stone's editor was forced to admit it was faulty and apologize to his readers.
Feminists, once again putting their irrationality on display for all to see, did not renounce the story. Amanda Marcotte (perhaps the Manosphere's favorite unintentional comedienne) contended that it was possible that maybe Jackie just didn't remember the frat at which she was raped, and was quick to call anyone that denied the story a "rape apologist" (where have I heard this before...?). One post coming out of Politico stated, in all-too-truthful terms, that it was a mistake to let fact-finding get in the way of the narrative. I can think of no other sentence that defines this story (which is what it truly is), or feminism and more broadly, Cultural Marxism, better.
2. Rotherham
In the most egregious and terrifying example of feminist hypocrisy this year, which again outlined the fact that feminists do not care about women in all its naked, ugly magnitude, it was reported in August that there was a widespread sexual exploitation ring of at least 1,400 English girls (some as young as 12) who had been targeted by mainly Pakistani men for grooming into the underworld to be trafficked into prostitution, among other horrific crimes.
What was the response from institutionalized and activist feminism? Nothing.
This should remove any and all doubts as to the priorities of third-wave feminism.
However, Rotherham goes beyond feminism. It demonstrated to all the failure of that most holy of Cultural Marxism's holies - the PC pussyfooting and victim narrative around race and "white privilege." Not wishing to upset this ultimate of modern taboos, the British authorities did not respond to clear evidence that the abuses were taking place for over a decade, due to their fear of appearing to be racist. Yes, it seems that a proud people with a warrior past were reduced to letting foreigners exploit their own children in their own homeland due to the cowardice instilled by Cultural Marxism.
That irony and lamentable state of affairs was not lost on the public at large, and the pushback against race hustlers this year has been more than I could have ever dreamed. Like Shirtstorm, the Rotherham revelations were ridiculous on their face, but they were not ultimately harmless amusement. Rotherham was a sinister and horrible chain of events, and the weakness and vacillation of Cultural Marxism was fully revealed.
Rotherham not only bloodied feminists, it bloodied the entire Cultural Marxist religion down to its very core. Hopefully the natural tendency of men to white knight will be put to good use for once, and we can already see this sort of pushback happening. Hopefully it will expand in 2015.
1. GamerGate
It might seem ridiculous that a controversy over video games is being placed over blatant and egregious hoaxes such as the UVA rape account or the horrific events of Rotherham, but history is often the result of strange or inconsequential happenstances. As Julius Caesar remarked: "in war, important events often result from trivial causes."
GamerGate was the biggest Cultural Marxist fumble of the year because it is the first time that a serious and organized resistance against the far left's cultural hegemony has been active in a long time. What makes it such a fumble is that it could have been diffused very quickly. The Cultural Marxist elites' own arrogance cost them, when finding a scapegoat and throwing a few bones at their detractors would have likely ended the controversy. However, they went the route of Charles I, who refused to negotiate with Parliament after the end of the First English Civil War when he could have easily retained his crown. The result was predictable.
The saga began in August and broke as a typical run of the mill sex scandal. A developer by the alias of Zoe Quinn was accused of sleeping around to get exposure for her games. While no evidence of a quid pro quo of the sexual kind has ever been found, the fact that her game was mentioned by at least one journalist who she had personal relations with lit a powder keg that was brewing for some time.
Zoe Quinn's role in the situation was quickly overshadowed, just as the assassination of the Austrian Archduke and his wife was quickly overshadowed in the outbreak of World War I. Gamers began to lash out at entrenched journalists that constantly lambasted them and their community for not being "progressive" enough. This is essentially a microcosm of what we have seen in the wider culture, starting especially circa 2010 - academic and media elites preaching the religion of "progressivism" (Cultural Marxism) and punishing dissenters in whatever way they can - whether that be social, economic, or in some cases even legal ways.
The gamers however, unlike other groups the Cultural Marxists have tried this on in the past, rose in open revolt and gored their attackers dearly. The gamers had had enough and stood in resistance, not caring about any of the typical shaming tactics and having the courage to speak against the prevailing orthodoxy. Inspired by their example, other groups gathered together and are forming a still-emerging coalition to oppose Cultural Marxism and its SJW warrior-monks.
GamerGate continues to rage on, and shows no signs of stopping. It will continue to rumble forward in 2015, and I suspect that the power of the coalition that is continuing to gather under its banner will start to dominate some space and deny areas to the Cultural Marxists going forward. This is of course how the Cultural Marxists gained so much ground, and now the war has been renewed, but it will take a long time to achieve victory, if victory is achieved at all.
GamerGate is the first popular rebellion against Cultural Marxist hegemony. Despite its arising over a trivial cause, it is the most important political and cultural event of 2014, and it has set a blueprint for future resistance. It is therefore also the single biggest blunder of 2014 for Cultural Marxism. GamerGate shined light on the Cultural Marxists' hypocritical irrationality and essentially popularized it. The truth will never be as bottled up as it had been before GamerGate again.
The second half of 2014 was quite different however. Through a series of mistakes and blunders on their part, especially in that crucial second half, the power of the social justice mob began to be actively resisted and even repulsed. I did not expect this kind of awakening. I thought that their only opponents would be those communities that were considered fringe such as the anti-feminists in the Atheist community and the Manosphere, who would be doomed to wage a defensive guerrilla war as more and more territory fell.
Then along came these blunders, and they revealed that not only was opposition to Cultural Marxism far more ingrained than I expected, but it really seemed that the archetypal "silent majority" had finally had enough and was beginning to push back. It was Cultural Marxists that were the fringe, albeit backed by the elites. Corruption, cronyism, and nepotism was revealed to such an extent that they perhaps shocked even folks like us. To my astonishment and delight, the forces opposed to Cultural Marxism and its social justice mob began to actively take the offensive in the waning days of 2014. They have cost the social justice industrial complex paragon that is Gawker over a million dollars, forced it to change the way it creates its content, and the FTC is continuing to investigate. Women are now actively renouncing feminism and thinking themselves "cool" for doing so (which chips away at part of what gives feminism credibility in the first place). Through the efforts of a veteran captain in the ongoing war, a mainstream publication was forced to alter its narrative regarding a supposed victim of rape whose account did not add up.
Before my eyes, we were turning into an offensive force, and it was glorious.
Napoleon, that deity of warfare, uttered a famous remark: "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." While I don't wish to educate my enemies on what they did wrong, Cultural Marxists aren't exactly the sharpest tacks in the shed, so I'm pretty confident that they won't take heed of this.
So without further ado, let's highlight the top ten Cultural Marxist blunders of 2014.
10. Ban Bossy
This one came back in March. The grand idea was to encourage more girls to get into leadership positions. In this regard the campaign was basically benign in its intentions, if overdone, and that's why it does not score higher on the list. The lynchpin of the campaign - its marketing, was that the word "bossy" somehow harmed girls' self-esteem and thus discouraged them from getting into leadership positions. The ridiculous non-sequitur did not go unnoticed, and the result was that the campaign was essentially dead on arrival. In terms of sheer stupidity, this ranks pretty high, but it was far from the "progressive" mob's biggest blunder of the year.
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Whoever thought this was good marketing should consider quitting. |
9. HeForShe
This was another non-starter emerging in September and was only slightly less ridiculous than Ban Bossy. The gist of this was that everyone's favorite type of feminist - an elite media darling white girl, in this case Emma Watson, made a speech launching a campaign in order to get men and boys to act as agents of change in order to support the movement for women's equality. This wouldn't be such a bad thing if the campaign was directed to places where women are actually oppressed, like Saudi Arabia or Iran, but we know that's not where feminists' priorities lie. Assisting feminists as a man is essentially castrating yourself, and more men than I ever dreamed of realized this in 2014. Men have our own issues that we need to work out. We will not willingly become eunuchs to assist deranged harpies for no one's benefit but theirs. This was immediately called out and the campaign was thus another flop.
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This picture tells you everything that you need to know about how they want men to be. |
8. The Blessings of Hollaback
Have you heard and perhaps seen that there's this thing called street harassment, and that every day women get harassed by men in droves just by walking outside? Yeah, I haven't either. According to Hollaback, an organization dedicated to "ending street harassment" however, this is a huge problem that women face simply for being women, and it happens constantly. They released much material to prove it this year, including the now-infamous "10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman" video in October.
The video, carefully cut and edited, purportedly showed the woman getting "harassed" 100 times, yet most of the comments directed her way were generic come-ons. Two men did follow her when she was clearly disinterested, which was weird and was bad game on their part, but that was the worst of it.
The video was quickly lampooned - not just by those in our sphere, but all over the internet. The fact that the vast majority of the so-called "harassment" came in the form of harmless come-ons was remarked upon by many, and the video very clearly painting black men as the villain for the majority of the time ran afoul of those other branches of the politically correct, Cultural Marxist religion who denounced the racial element. In a hilarious attempt to bridge that divide, some feminists attempted to redirect the problem of harassment to the Cultural Marxist establishment's villain extraordinaire - heterosexual white men. This was only met with further derision.
The motivations behind Hollaback were also questioned. If they were to have their way, normal human interaction would have to essentially be criminalized, a fact that many were wary of.
Hollaback released several of these videos throughout the year (another notable one occurred in July). In many respects Hollaback was the gift that kept on giving in 2014.
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The video was so ridiculous that it spawned many parodies, such as this one. |
7. Anti-Rape Nail Polish is Actually Rape Culture!
Unless you're totally blind and deaf (is that too ableist for me to say?), you've heard of the existence of this rampant rape culture in the West, especially on college campuses. Rape is so extensive, 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted in some way during their university years, and many assaults go unreported. Date rape and even full-out gang rape are extremely common - or so feminists say.
So you would think that any way to prevent such occurrences would be a good thing in the minds of these people, right? Well, you'd be wrong.
In late August a company by the name of Undercover Colors announced that it was developing a nail polish that could detect the presence of date-rape drugs like Rohypnol and Xanax in drinks. All a woman needs to do is dip her nail into the drink, and if the polish changes color, one of these drugs is present.
How did feminists react to this sensible and easy way to prevent rape from occurring? They crowed like the typical harpies they are. Instead of praising it, they lambasted it. While they are correct about one thing - rape by "roofies" isn't actually that common, they quickly descended into the old cliches - "I shouldn't have to do anything to try to be safer! Teach men not to fucking raaaapppeeeeeee!" This combined with an anti-capitalist ethos (that the creators of the nail polish shouldn't be profiting from their own creation) quickly made the feminists once again a laughing stock, and showed their real priorities. They do not want to do anything productive to actually help women. They want women to be perpetual victims. Otherwise, they are out of a job. Horrified that this turn of affairs would force them to actually have lives instead of bitching on social media and blogs all day, this is something that absolutely must never occur.
As a matter of fact, it's probably (as is so common with Cultural Marxists) a case of projection. They hate people that are productive. This story made many realize it.
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They can't be attacking you because you said something stupid. That can't possibly be it! |
6. This is What Feminist T-Shirts Look Like
Continuing on with the theme that feminists aren't really interested in helping women so much as spreading their narrative to retain and expand their power, another attempt at outrage backfired on them not too long after the nail polish fiasco. In a case of what is almost akin to blackmail, Prime Minister David Cameron was asked to follow the example of fellow party leaders in Parliament Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg and take a picture wearing a shirt that stated "This is what a feminist looks like." He refused five times.
Well, it turns out that those shirts were alleged to have been made in a sweatshop where the women working earned 62 pence an hour. While it later turned out that not all of these accusations were accurate, the women working in the factories in Mauritius that pumped out the shirts still live in many ways like cattle. What was supposed to have embarrassed David Cameron therefore embarrassed his rivals, but embarrassed feminism even more, its hypocrisy all too apparent.
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This is what feminist priorities look like. |
5. Ferguson/Staten Island Fallout
While feminism made far and away the most blunders of 2014 (this because feminism and its advocates are the most irrational and visibly so of all the Cultural Marxist branches), race hustling hit the big time this year too.
In July, Eric Garner, a black man selling loose cigarettes on Staten Island, was killed as a complication of a chokehold (banned in the NYPD) instituted by a white officer, Daniel Pantaleo. This was followed by the death of Michael Brown, an unarmed black man, at the hands of white officer Darren Wilson in August. Witnesses said that Brown had his hands up and yelled "don't shoot" to Wilson. Tensions began to simmer.
One of these cases was not like the other. Facts later revealed that Brown got into an altercation with the officer, which physical evidence backed up, and everyone worth their salt knows that eyewitness testimony is the lowest form of evidence that can be considered (and not even all witnesses agree on the now-mythical "hands up, don't shoot" account). Garner on the other hand, while committing a crime, did die in a likely needless manner - though he should not have resisted arrest (and if he were in better health, he wouldn't have died - a fact that he is responsible for).
Grand juries in both cases did not indict the officer involved. The result was a Social Justice Warrior firestorm that has lasted to this day. In the conflagration, two NYPD police officers: Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, were killed by a deranged gunman who proclaimed his desire to avenge Michael Brown's death, on December 20th. On Christmas Eve, another black man was shot, who, though he pointed a gun at police, the Social Justice Warriors are still raging. Protestors have shut down public places, disrupted traffic, and in truth, are abusing their First Amendment rights. The incidents have also led to riots.
Racial tensions are higher in 2014 than I can ever remember, and probably are at their highest point since the early 90's which included the Rodney King beating and the OJ trial (incidents which I cannot remember very well since I was a very small child). Many people are increasingly getting sick of the protests and the media spin, and are worried that the police will be too timid to enforce laws against blacks due to fears of political incorrectness (as we will soon see below, this leads to frightening results).
The sad fact of the matter is that the police in America have been militarized. Often, they look more like an occupying army than officers of the peace. Despite my SHITLORD level of privilege, I do not feel comfortable around the police. I try to avoid interacting with the police as much as I can. My brother, undoubtedly a fellow SHITLORD, has had some run-ins with them that demonstrate their militant, hostile nature.
The Cato Institute's study on the phenomenon and Radley Balko's Rise of the Warrior Cop demonstrate the situation clearly. Everyone is in danger from militarized police, who all too often turn our streets into a battlefield. However, by making this racially charged, the Social Justice Warriors and the media that sets their narrative have only obfuscated it and divided the populace. While only a minority see this now, more and more will see it in the future, and the Social Justice Warriors have again blundered by their improper reaction to these incidents.
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This picture is pretty telling isn't it? It can't just be SWPL shit, right? |
4. Shirtstorm
Suppose you're an eminent scientist (Doctor Matt Taylor) who directed a mission that, for the first time in history, landed a spacecraft on a comet. The sheer logistics of the mission were astounding. First the scientists needed to know exactly where the comet would be in order to intercept it and force a landing, then the velocity of the craft relative to that of the comet, and a whole bunch of other things I'm probably unaware of. The mission went off without a hitch. A very small object was intercepted in the infinite vastness of space by an even smaller object and the two met.
It was a startling achievement. It was a day all of mankind should have celebrated. Instead, feminists frothed at the mouth over the shirt Taylor wore on the occasion, which featured images of women in sexy poses and was intended as a tribute to the friend who made the shirt for him, who is startlingly enough, a woman. The firestorm caused Taylor to break down and apologize the next day.
The ridiculousness of the situation need not be explained. It truly speaks for itself. Unfortunately, when I saw Doctor Taylor on a program a week or so later (obviously pre-recorded before the landing day), the first thing I thought of was not this man's accomplishment, but how he ran afoul of feminists.
This could be infuriating, but I look at the good side. Whenever people are reminded of this incident, they will be reminded of feminism in all its narcissistic and neurotic glory - that feminists took an outstanding scientific accomplishment and made it all about them. In terms of public relations, it was a perfect disaster.
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Feminism will not soon recover from this PR disaster. |
3. The UVA Rape Hoax
I already mentioned the rape culture earlier. In an attempt to craft a heroic expose of the rampant culture of rape at universities, a "journalist" by the name of Sabrina Rubin Erdely penned a piece entitled "A Rape on Campus" for Rolling Stone.
In this triumph of truth, Erdely outlined the story of Jackie, a freshman at the University of Virginia that was subjected to a brutal gang rape by seven men on a table of broken glass in 2012. One of the men threw a beer bottle in her face with such velocity that the beer bottle broke. Jackie was afraid to report the incident so she did not. The story came out in the middle of November. It sparked a huge rage. UVA reacted by banning all fraternities and sororities until January. Protests against the culture of rape followed. The frat house where the rape was supposed to have taken place was vandalized. The fact that there were some prima facie inconsistencies (beer bottles do not, as Erdely contends, break when thrown at someone's face, there should have been a hospitalization record and medical report after such a brutal attack, etc.) in the story did not deter any of this.
Real journalists then began to investigate and discovered yet more inconsistencies in Jackie's account. The frat house where the rape was said to have occurred had no event on the night of the alleged attack (which was supposed to have happened during a frat party as an initiation ritual), Erdely did not even attempt to reach out to the accused, and it later turned out that Jackie was pursuing a man tangential to the story that turned down her romantic advances. The story fell apart. It fell apart to such an extent that Rolling Stone's editor was forced to admit it was faulty and apologize to his readers.
Feminists, once again putting their irrationality on display for all to see, did not renounce the story. Amanda Marcotte (perhaps the Manosphere's favorite unintentional comedienne) contended that it was possible that maybe Jackie just didn't remember the frat at which she was raped, and was quick to call anyone that denied the story a "rape apologist" (where have I heard this before...?). One post coming out of Politico stated, in all-too-truthful terms, that it was a mistake to let fact-finding get in the way of the narrative. I can think of no other sentence that defines this story (which is what it truly is), or feminism and more broadly, Cultural Marxism, better.
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Who would have known it was all a hoax? Would they have cared? |
In the most egregious and terrifying example of feminist hypocrisy this year, which again outlined the fact that feminists do not care about women in all its naked, ugly magnitude, it was reported in August that there was a widespread sexual exploitation ring of at least 1,400 English girls (some as young as 12) who had been targeted by mainly Pakistani men for grooming into the underworld to be trafficked into prostitution, among other horrific crimes.
What was the response from institutionalized and activist feminism? Nothing.
This should remove any and all doubts as to the priorities of third-wave feminism.
However, Rotherham goes beyond feminism. It demonstrated to all the failure of that most holy of Cultural Marxism's holies - the PC pussyfooting and victim narrative around race and "white privilege." Not wishing to upset this ultimate of modern taboos, the British authorities did not respond to clear evidence that the abuses were taking place for over a decade, due to their fear of appearing to be racist. Yes, it seems that a proud people with a warrior past were reduced to letting foreigners exploit their own children in their own homeland due to the cowardice instilled by Cultural Marxism.
That irony and lamentable state of affairs was not lost on the public at large, and the pushback against race hustlers this year has been more than I could have ever dreamed. Like Shirtstorm, the Rotherham revelations were ridiculous on their face, but they were not ultimately harmless amusement. Rotherham was a sinister and horrible chain of events, and the weakness and vacillation of Cultural Marxism was fully revealed.
Rotherham not only bloodied feminists, it bloodied the entire Cultural Marxist religion down to its very core. Hopefully the natural tendency of men to white knight will be put to good use for once, and we can already see this sort of pushback happening. Hopefully it will expand in 2015.
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Must not appear racist...must not appear racist...must not appear racist... |
1. GamerGate
It might seem ridiculous that a controversy over video games is being placed over blatant and egregious hoaxes such as the UVA rape account or the horrific events of Rotherham, but history is often the result of strange or inconsequential happenstances. As Julius Caesar remarked: "in war, important events often result from trivial causes."
GamerGate was the biggest Cultural Marxist fumble of the year because it is the first time that a serious and organized resistance against the far left's cultural hegemony has been active in a long time. What makes it such a fumble is that it could have been diffused very quickly. The Cultural Marxist elites' own arrogance cost them, when finding a scapegoat and throwing a few bones at their detractors would have likely ended the controversy. However, they went the route of Charles I, who refused to negotiate with Parliament after the end of the First English Civil War when he could have easily retained his crown. The result was predictable.
The saga began in August and broke as a typical run of the mill sex scandal. A developer by the alias of Zoe Quinn was accused of sleeping around to get exposure for her games. While no evidence of a quid pro quo of the sexual kind has ever been found, the fact that her game was mentioned by at least one journalist who she had personal relations with lit a powder keg that was brewing for some time.
Zoe Quinn's role in the situation was quickly overshadowed, just as the assassination of the Austrian Archduke and his wife was quickly overshadowed in the outbreak of World War I. Gamers began to lash out at entrenched journalists that constantly lambasted them and their community for not being "progressive" enough. This is essentially a microcosm of what we have seen in the wider culture, starting especially circa 2010 - academic and media elites preaching the religion of "progressivism" (Cultural Marxism) and punishing dissenters in whatever way they can - whether that be social, economic, or in some cases even legal ways.
The gamers however, unlike other groups the Cultural Marxists have tried this on in the past, rose in open revolt and gored their attackers dearly. The gamers had had enough and stood in resistance, not caring about any of the typical shaming tactics and having the courage to speak against the prevailing orthodoxy. Inspired by their example, other groups gathered together and are forming a still-emerging coalition to oppose Cultural Marxism and its SJW warrior-monks.
GamerGate continues to rage on, and shows no signs of stopping. It will continue to rumble forward in 2015, and I suspect that the power of the coalition that is continuing to gather under its banner will start to dominate some space and deny areas to the Cultural Marxists going forward. This is of course how the Cultural Marxists gained so much ground, and now the war has been renewed, but it will take a long time to achieve victory, if victory is achieved at all.
GamerGate is the first popular rebellion against Cultural Marxist hegemony. Despite its arising over a trivial cause, it is the most important political and cultural event of 2014, and it has set a blueprint for future resistance. It is therefore also the single biggest blunder of 2014 for Cultural Marxism. GamerGate shined light on the Cultural Marxists' hypocritical irrationality and essentially popularized it. The truth will never be as bottled up as it had been before GamerGate again.
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Gamers and their allies are in this to win. And we will. |
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
How to Write an Epic Novel
Of the major goals that I had at the outset of the year there were two that I think left the least room for ambiguity and were most achievable. The first was to destroy my approach anxiety. This was a spasm, but the tipping point occurred in June. Given that I can now successfully approach and at least attract interest in seemingly any woman of my choosing, including several models and one decently well-known (in her home country) filmmaker and performer, I think it's safe to say that my approach anxiety has been nuked to the moon.
The second goal was to finish my epic novel. This I began with a furious pace in the first half of the year and delayed in the second half, but kept chipping at it. I'm now extremely gratified to say that I finished it this past Saturday. It was the perfect capstone to end what has been a momentous year. The feeling that I got was at once one of elation and temperance. I didn't want to brag. It seemed that the gratification was enough, and at once reinforced the lesson that accomplished men don't brag as they don't need to. The feeling is enough. It might make for interesting conversation, but there's no need to crow such an accomplishment.
And so, the great creative project of my life has now been completed. It still needs to be edited and pruned of course before any attempt at release, which will take yet more time, but the hardest work - the grunt and toil of putting my creative thoughts to paper (figuratively, of course) is now complete. I no longer need to worry about "writer's block" or any other excuse, because the active creation is finished.
The novel is quite long. I won't say how long, but it is very long, to the point that some have advised me that I may need to split the book in two. We will see how that goes, but writers may ask me how I did such a thing? How do you write a good piece of literature? How do you write an epic novel?
1. Be Well-Rounded in Your Sources
It's a well-known fact that artists steal. Everyone steals. We're all under the influence of someone else. Artistic works are in essence something of an accretion. My influences on the work, consciously and subconsciously, were wide, and this allowed me to have a wide range of material to stand on and enhance the quality of my own writing.
2. Be Knowledgeable of History
My novel is a war story, and so my study of military history (which I have engaged in since the age of 12), has also given me much material to work with, allowing me to paint vivid descriptions of battles and campaigns, and the geopolitical and economic considerations behind the war (as there always are in any armed conflict). No matter the subject matter you're writing about, there is a history behind it. The writer should immerse himself in the history of that subject matter so that he will be able to extract a richness with which to seed his own story.
3. Record Any New Ideas You Have
This was a maxim George Carlin lived by, and it's as relevant here. If you are visited by an inspiration, record it so that you don't forget. Despite what you may think, it's all too easy to forget these ideas. Sometimes you may be inspired to write entire passages even though you aren't at that point in the story yet. Do this. You will get your idea out fully and can put it into the story as needed when you arrive at that point. Whatever you do, don't lose your ideas. Discard them if you are dissatisfied with them later, but never lose them. Always listen to that inspiring voice in your head.
4. Work Little by Little Over a Long Time
As with most things, you will be able to get your project done by working a little bit over a long time. It's difficult for me to keep my attention on one thing for too long. This is a weakness of mine, but it's one that I worked around to get this thing done. The method I wound up using for the most part was rather simple. I would write a page in Microsoft Word an hour during most of my hours of free time. If I went over that, that was good, but I tried to keep up with that schedule. This allowed me to get the lion's share of my book done.
Maybe this method isn't best for everyone. Others might find a set quota of words per day a better way to go. That's fine too. Just find a way to keep eking out the story a little bit at a time so that you find yourself progressing towards the end. Writer's block, I'll contend, isn't so much a block in inspiration as it is hesitation. I thought I had it before, but motivation and this method allowed me to bust through it.
5. Your Story is for You
Ultimately you need to write your story for yourself. Try to make it as high quality as possible of course, and accept nothing less than excellence, but ultimately you need to cater to your own expectations and not what you think other people may desire. There's a word for that when it comes to art and it's called mediocre. In case you haven't noticed, our culture is full of mediocre or downright terrible art. Buck this trend. Your writing is an extension of what rests in your soul and is your commentary on the world. Anything less than this will inevitably devolve into mediocrity.
It was by following these five principles that I was able to complete the work. If any of you out there find yourself writing something similar (or anything really), you need to follow them as well to be successful in crafting something that is of high quality while simultaneously making sure you don't fall into that trap of starting some creative work but never finishing it (a bad habit of mine that I hope I have now dropped with the completion of this work). Begin the task and good luck!
The second goal was to finish my epic novel. This I began with a furious pace in the first half of the year and delayed in the second half, but kept chipping at it. I'm now extremely gratified to say that I finished it this past Saturday. It was the perfect capstone to end what has been a momentous year. The feeling that I got was at once one of elation and temperance. I didn't want to brag. It seemed that the gratification was enough, and at once reinforced the lesson that accomplished men don't brag as they don't need to. The feeling is enough. It might make for interesting conversation, but there's no need to crow such an accomplishment.
And so, the great creative project of my life has now been completed. It still needs to be edited and pruned of course before any attempt at release, which will take yet more time, but the hardest work - the grunt and toil of putting my creative thoughts to paper (figuratively, of course) is now complete. I no longer need to worry about "writer's block" or any other excuse, because the active creation is finished.
The novel is quite long. I won't say how long, but it is very long, to the point that some have advised me that I may need to split the book in two. We will see how that goes, but writers may ask me how I did such a thing? How do you write a good piece of literature? How do you write an epic novel?
1. Be Well-Rounded in Your Sources
It's a well-known fact that artists steal. Everyone steals. We're all under the influence of someone else. Artistic works are in essence something of an accretion. My influences on the work, consciously and subconsciously, were wide, and this allowed me to have a wide range of material to stand on and enhance the quality of my own writing.
2. Be Knowledgeable of History
My novel is a war story, and so my study of military history (which I have engaged in since the age of 12), has also given me much material to work with, allowing me to paint vivid descriptions of battles and campaigns, and the geopolitical and economic considerations behind the war (as there always are in any armed conflict). No matter the subject matter you're writing about, there is a history behind it. The writer should immerse himself in the history of that subject matter so that he will be able to extract a richness with which to seed his own story.
3. Record Any New Ideas You Have
This was a maxim George Carlin lived by, and it's as relevant here. If you are visited by an inspiration, record it so that you don't forget. Despite what you may think, it's all too easy to forget these ideas. Sometimes you may be inspired to write entire passages even though you aren't at that point in the story yet. Do this. You will get your idea out fully and can put it into the story as needed when you arrive at that point. Whatever you do, don't lose your ideas. Discard them if you are dissatisfied with them later, but never lose them. Always listen to that inspiring voice in your head.
4. Work Little by Little Over a Long Time
As with most things, you will be able to get your project done by working a little bit over a long time. It's difficult for me to keep my attention on one thing for too long. This is a weakness of mine, but it's one that I worked around to get this thing done. The method I wound up using for the most part was rather simple. I would write a page in Microsoft Word an hour during most of my hours of free time. If I went over that, that was good, but I tried to keep up with that schedule. This allowed me to get the lion's share of my book done.
Maybe this method isn't best for everyone. Others might find a set quota of words per day a better way to go. That's fine too. Just find a way to keep eking out the story a little bit at a time so that you find yourself progressing towards the end. Writer's block, I'll contend, isn't so much a block in inspiration as it is hesitation. I thought I had it before, but motivation and this method allowed me to bust through it.
5. Your Story is for You
Ultimately you need to write your story for yourself. Try to make it as high quality as possible of course, and accept nothing less than excellence, but ultimately you need to cater to your own expectations and not what you think other people may desire. There's a word for that when it comes to art and it's called mediocre. In case you haven't noticed, our culture is full of mediocre or downright terrible art. Buck this trend. Your writing is an extension of what rests in your soul and is your commentary on the world. Anything less than this will inevitably devolve into mediocrity.
It was by following these five principles that I was able to complete the work. If any of you out there find yourself writing something similar (or anything really), you need to follow them as well to be successful in crafting something that is of high quality while simultaneously making sure you don't fall into that trap of starting some creative work but never finishing it (a bad habit of mine that I hope I have now dropped with the completion of this work). Begin the task and good luck!
Thursday, December 11, 2014
The Need for a Higher Calling
A couple of months
ago I found myself outside, enjoying the October scenery. It was the height of
autumn, and the colorful tapestry of the trees glowing in shades of red and
yellow was quite pleasing to the eyes. Amidst the contrast of the concrete
jungle that is New York City,
it’s quite a welcome diversion to enjoy the parks and get a feel for the
natural world as best a city slicker might. That environment is also a natural
place to day game, and the fall portrait was not the only thing that pleased my
eyes that day.
I quickly
spotted a girl to approach, but I began to hesitate. I’m quite a logical and
analytical person, as some of you may have figured out by now, and while my
analysis is usually correct regarding women to approach versus women to not, I
sometimes may miss out on opportunities. She was sitting on a bench, fiddling
with her phone. I thought about approaching, but decided against it at first,
and walked away. Then I looked back and saw her still sitting there. My mind began
to stir, and an inner voice called out to me – “can you stand?” Remembering
that encounter, I decided to go back. When the opportunity came, I took it. I’m
glad I did.
Out of all the
women I have met thus far since starting this journey, she was by far the most
interesting. This will not surprise most of my natural readers, but she is from outside
the Anglosphere. She’s from Russia, but isn’t
an ethnic Russian, hailing instead from the Circassian ethnic minority group in
the Caucuses. We sat there on that bench and talked for two hours straight that
we didn’t know went by. Naturally we exchanged contact information and while it
was troubled by delays and scheduling, I saw her again a few weekends later.
The timing was
somewhat amusing to me, because I had another date not 24 hours earlier. My
companion from that evening is a sweet, feminine girl whose company I enjoyed,
but whose sophistication and grace couldn't compete. I could and did discuss any
topic under the sun with her, ranging from the small things to the dilapidation
in culture, historical figures in power, the psychology of crowds, whether or
not there was free will, and on.
The most
interesting part of the date came when she began to go a little bit further
into her background and her faith. On our first encounter she told me that
Circassians are somewhat of a scapegoat and face social disadvantages in Russia. Unlike her counterparts in the West however, she
does not use any of this to play the victim or demand that other people conform
to her opinions because she is somehow oppressed. In short: she lacks that
element of solipsistic narcissism that comprises the social justice left here
in the West.
Instead, she is
the type to rise and meet her challenges and get past them, and she has been
relatively successful. She mentioned her faith in God, and, no doubt showing my
ignorance of the situation and her culture, I asked if she was Eastern
Orthodox. She surprised me by replying that she was a Muslim, which is
something I wouldn’t have believed. Obviously she practices her faith
differently than her Middle Eastern counterparts, but she seemed at least
somewhat grounded in it. I contrasted this somewhat with my own background,
being an agnostic and believing fervently in extreme libertarianism in my early
twenties. My reply was that while I still did not believe in any specific
faith, I respect such things more now in my later twenties, and it’s evidenced
by the fact that I would far rather spend time with someone like her than any
of the people who espouse no true belief in anything other than themselves, who
have no higher calling in life or higher devotion. Back in those days of my
early twenties, I did not truly believe in anything either, as my extreme
libertarianism was a crutch excusing mindless individualism at the expense of
any greater culture or belief system, albeit it was a crutch with much more
sophisticated logic and germs of truth as compared to the Cultural Marxists
whose worldview is entirely based on falsehood.
Quintus Curtius
mentioned in an article a while ago that people need to submit to a higher authority, a higher calling. There also needs to be hardship and challenges to
overcome. Without these things, society and the self degenerate. I have no
doubt that a big part of the reason why she is such a high
quality girl – feminine and worldly, was that she grew up in a somewhat
traditional family, faced a degree of hardship, and has a higher calling to
keep her grounded. She brings value to the world, but her value system keeps
her ego in check. She can accomplish things, but has not a hint of arrogance.
After our date
ended, I began to contemplate my own existence. There is no question
that I have had it very good. There’s also no question that I could have fallen
very far and stayed there because of it. Were I a little different, were I
someone that did not think as carefully as I do, did not immerse myself in the
past and its great works as much as I do, I might very well have fallen into
that Cultural Marxist malaise that plagues so many of my contemporaries.
Attention whoring on social media never appealed to me, but if my consistent
thoughts were only a bit different, who knows what might have happened?
But even though
I was mentally grounded in some ways, I still lacked a conflict and a drive. I
was taking the easy way out, abandoning myself to, as Louis XIV sneers in hismemoirs “inactivity and indolence.” I was content with mediocrity. There was no
conflict to spur me to do great things or higher calling to meet. The
Manosphere in a way provided me with that challenge to embrace my own kind of
hardship and forge myself in fire. It seemed to have been the missing
ingredient and this is its ultimate service to its inhabitants. In a world of
untold wealth, an internal, personal conflict to overcome is needed to keep you
in a sane place.
Glory is a
fleeting thing however, and while I enjoy my newfound glories and still seek
more, I wonder if there’s still something more out there that is needed for the
soul, something perhaps irrational. I doubt I’ll start to believe in any kind
of religion any time soon, but I wonder if its abandonment made me, and
society, perhaps shallower than I otherwise would have been. I don’t
particularly feel any spiritual void at the moment, but I can safely say that she made me contemplate such matters a bit more thoroughly.
That is perhaps
the most rewarding experience of all with meeting her, and why I think it’s
important for men here to, in addition to finding their own personal challenges
and hardships, to date women from other cultures, since our own is so
substantially dead. In addition to soaking in the more typical feminine energy
of a foreign girl, you are exposed to a culture that is perhaps not so
neurotic, that values more than the mindless license of someone to be an
automaton of a consumer culture. There simply needs to be more to life than
competing over who can be the first one to get the new iPhone, the most likes
on Facebook, or the most orbiters on Instagram.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
A Two-Tiered System for Overcoming Approach Anxiety
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There she is. All you need to do is approach. |
This is an oft-done topic on pickup sites and forums, mostly because I think everyone needs to work on this in their own way. As in most things when it comes to game, everyone will likely have their own style.
In my experience (and my experience was a struggle), I've found that there's two components to overcoming approach anxiety: an inner game one and an outer game one. Your inner game (which is probably a bit of a misnomer) is in short, your identity - the nexus of interests, hobbies, thoughts, habits, etc. that compose who you are. Your outer game is your behavior around women and more broadly, your social skills in general.
Note that the system I am about to lay out assumes that you are already "normal." That is to say, you have at least a few interesting thoughts or hobbies going on that will make you somewhat intriguing and you are not socially inept. If you are not normal, you better work on becoming normal. Take heart though, that "normal" can be a pretty loose definition. As long as you aren't sitting around playing Call of Duty all day, you will likely be at least to a degree interesting, and you may be nervous in social situations, but it doesn't mean you are socially inept. In many ways you might be your own worst critic. I used to think that I was socially awkward too and that no woman would be attracted to me. This was obviously wrong. In truth, very few people are so uninteresting or have social skills so far down the gutter that this system shouldn't work for them, and in even better news, the inner game component of this system will make you more interesting.
I also believe it's worth mentioning my own history before I go into this. I used to have very bad approach anxiety. It seemed like there was an unbreakable wall that stopped me from going after the women I wanted. I saw her, but I couldn't get past this invisible barrier and I'd leave feeling bad all day. And for this guy, this guy that I used to be, simply telling him to go out and approach isn't usually going to help because he's lacking in confidence. His entire way of thinking needs to be addressed and this negative coding in his brain needs to be rewritten by a new program, and this is it.
Now let's get to the inner game system. Note that you need to make these into habits (at least at first). Doing them sporadically will not be enough to rewrite your brain's programming. Once you're approaching consistently you can slack off but it's still not something I would recommend. So, without further ado, here's the inner game component:
1. Don’t Overwhelm Yourself with Seduction
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This is not going to help as much as you may think. |
2. Start an Exercise Program
In my opinion, this is the most
important step, and it is the one that brings the most rapid results. A
vigorous program of exercise will not only make you look better and thus
increase your confidence, but it will elevate your testosterone, which will
make you hungrier, more aggressive, and more motivated (which carries over not
just into approaching, but in all aspects of life). Perhaps most importantly,
you will impose self-discipline, which is crucial to every other step on this
3. Watch What You Eat
4. Stop Watching Porn
Really, just don’t do it. By
watching porn you are training your mind to be satisfied with pixels on a
screen. After a mere week of stopping its intake I looked at girls very
differently, and my motivation and energy to approach them was on overdrive.
This rule applies to both video and still images.
5. Severely Limit Masturbation
In a related vein, I recommend
limiting masturbation. Once a week at the very most. After a few days you will
start to become very horny, and that motivation and sexual energy will
naturally translate into approaching girls. Sometimes you will feel as if you are being literally guided by your dick and there is no stopping you. Trust me that this energy is far more powerful than any fear.
6. Consciously Focus on Your Body
While your exercise regimen will
greatly help you in having naturally good body language, try and focus on this
until it becomes ingrained. Remember at all times: shoulders back, head held
slightly up, feet shoulder-width apart, and move slowly. Body language alone can make a huge difference
not just in how other people perceive you, but in how you perceive yourself.
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Body language that speaks power. |
7. Train Your Voice
Good body language is important, but
so is having good vocal tones. If your voice is weak and nervous, don’t be
surprised if you don’t get anywhere. Fortunately there’s a rather easy way to
train yourself to be a good speaker, and I got good at it long before I
came into the game. Train your voice by continuously engaging in speaking
projects – this can be public speaking, making videos, podcasts, or the like.
With a few months of consistent practice, you will be amazed at how much better
you sound, and your voice tones will be naturally good. You will therefore
speak well when approaching a girl, because speaking well is ingrained in your
8. Read These Two Books
Hey now, I didn’t say that all reading was bad. Read The 48 Laws of Power, by Robert Greene,
and Think & Grow Rich, by
Napoleon Hill. These two books completely changed my outlook on life. They are
on Roosh’s list of ten recommended books for a reason. Get to it.
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The ultimate aphrodisiac. |
9. Be a Conscientious Observer
A crucial skill to develop in any
case, it will also give you more confidence. You will realize just how pathetic
most human beings in this world are, and how easy it is to excel them. Claiming
a crown is about being above the crowd, and it is a lot easier than you think.
Be above average, and you will be paid in dividends.
10. Do the Twenty Men Exercise
All of us need powerful role models
to look up to. They motivate and give us valuable lessons. Unfortunately, these
are hard to come by in modern society. So, carefully select a list of twenty
men, living or dead, that for whatever reason, you admire and seek to learn
from. Write them down, and write your list of reasons why you chose them. Then
read their works, and read about them. Associate with them (however remotely) and you will start to be like them.
11. Find a Community
A similar step to the previous one,
you should find a community of guys that want to get ahead in life and
associate with them. You will start to think like them, and you will be able to
get good advice. You will also, crucially, have people to hold yourself
accountable to. In an era where the male sphere is under constant assault by
the forces of political correctness, this is absolutely crucial. In my opinion
it is second in importance to finding a good exercise regimen. Return of Kings and Roosh's forum has helped me a lot (my criticisms of the previous site still stand, however). These may not work for you and that's fine. Just find a forum that does.
12. Find Your Optimal Look
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13. Desensitize Yourself to the Presence of
Beautiful Women
A lot of us simply aren’t exposed to
beautiful women enough, even if we think we are. Don’t worry, you don’t need to
approach just yet, but when you start to master some of the previous steps,
it’s time to get out there and observe the women around you that you want to
talk to. Through repeat exposure, you will begin to desensitize yourself and
figure out ways to break through the final approach barrier.
Consistent application and devotion
to this program will start to rewire your brain. Your confidence and motivation
will soar, and you will begin to work, slowly, toward busting through your
approach anxiety and getting into the game.
Once you feel comfortable with the inner game component, you can begin the outer game component, which is fortunately, far simpler.
Before you start approaching you need to take note of one thing, however: a successful approach is just that - you successfully opened your damn mouth and began to make a conversation with a girl you hope to eventually have sex with. The ugly truth is that most of your approaches are going to "fail" in the sense that they won't lead to sex.
But the person afraid of this has the mindset of a loser. Every approach is a success - not only because you are doing something that very few men are capable of doing, but you are gaining experience and ultimately having fun doing it.
So now that
that’s been covered, there is also something crucial I want you to keep in the
back of your mind at all times:
fear of the approach is complete bullshit.
It is a faulty perception, nothing more.
Your goal is to make sure that this perception does not become reality. In all
my approaches, I have never had a bad experience. I've only encountered slight bitchiness on three or four occasions and I just walked away, smirking about it as I did so. Most women are friendly or at
least congenial, provided you don’t look and act like a loser, and that’s not
exactly a hard benchmark to clear.
Now, there are
two basic dimensions in the anatomy of a successful approach:
Find an Opener
Yeah, yeah, I know. The old adage
that it doesn’t really matter what you say is true. To her. Most of the time.
However it does matter to you.
Approach anxiety (in my experience) mostly comes not from a fear of rejection, but a fear of the
unknown. There are a lot of uncertainties (in your mind) that are present when
approaching a stranger. So, you need to be certain about something. Your opener is that certainty. It is a small one, but a
completely adequate one. Having a certain opener drastically reduces the
anxiety that is coursing through your brain and trying to get you to pussy out.
So, when you see a girl you fancy, find an opener. I don’t care what it is,
just find one.
(As a note: I prefer direct openers for this reason. Not only are they more ballsy and congruent, but they are far simpler to come up with than actively having to think of a situational opener which will likely make you more nervous. With direct openers, you do not have the "what do I say?!" hesitation. My go-to opener in most situations is to simply walk up to a girl with a polite "excuse me" and tell her that I thought she looked nice and I wanted to come over and say hi. Simple, direct, socially appropriate, and certain.)
When you see a girl you like, and
you have your opener ready, move your
ass towards her. Unlike the first point, this is not merely a psychological
trick you need to play on yourself. It is absolutely crucial to a successful
approach and is grounded in solid science along with hundreds of thousands and
even millions of years of human experience. The first physiological reaction in
our body’s response to fear is to freeze.
Back when our more primitive hominid
ancestors were running around on the savanna, they needed to be careful to
avoid predators. We weren’t always the dominant species on Planet Earth. Back
then, our ancestors were rather puny and with little to make up for it. It’s a
known fact that predators give chase. When facing off against a lion, the thing
you don’t want to do is run away. So how did our ancestors react – at least the
ones that survived? Easy, they froze.
While it seems silly that our brains
fear that hottie over there with the high heels and a skirt in the same way
that they used to fear lions and other fearsome predators, that is essentially
what they are doing. When you freeze, that fear is only going to increase and
your brain is going to think of nothing else. You see a predator. You want to
avoid its attention and then get as far away as possible.
To counteract this fear, you must
stay in motion. A funny thing happens when you approach an object that you fear
- your brain starts to get less afraid because it is filling up with
adrenaline. You are entering the fight response. Simply put you are going to be
much more afraid just sitting there and looking at her than by actually walking
towards her. It sounds contradictory, but most other guys that approach consistently will likely tell you the same thing.
So once you have that opener ready
and certain, move your butt over to your girl. At this point something almost
automatic happens – you deliver your opener, she responds well, and amazingly, you
are now in a conversation with this hottie. You thought it wasn’t even
possible, but here you are.
Once you begin to do this, and if
you have a rudimentary knowledge about the principles of game and an
interesting personality, something amazing happens. You’ll begin to realize
that you had it in you all along, and it was only this
fear, this one little fear, that was holding you back.
![]() |
When you know what you want to say, move immediately. |
The more used to an environment you get, the easier your approaches will be. One of my favorite venues is Central Park and so approaching women there is very easy now. Approaching on the street for instance, is a bit harder, because I have less experience.
Your overall experience will make approaching less difficult in general, but your experience of approaching in different environments will make it much less difficult. For this reason, it makes sense to have a few spots that you specialize in to get the most bang for your buck.
Also, approach anxiety never fully goes away. It becomes more and more manageable as time goes on and you experience success, but you will always have it. Sometimes however you will wind up not approaching. That's fine. Just take it all in stride.
I also made a video to go with this article:
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Walking for 6 Pack Abs
OK, so the title is actually a bit of a misnomer. It's not so simple as to just walk and get a 6 pack. It takes discipline and dedication - more in the kitchen than in your workouts, though it takes discipline in the latter too, obviously.
Another thing to be reminded of before I go into the body of this is that I had an advantage here, because I have naturally low body fat. As anyone besides those lame infomercials will tell you, abs are not a result of crunches or core exercises for the most part, they come as a consequence of having a low enough body fat percentage - typically around 13% or under.
I've been sitting at about 11% body fat for the year, good enough to get and maintain a 4 pack. I am also blessed with good genetics meaning that I can be quite liberal in my diet and still maintain that 4 pack. Yes, I know the world isn't fair. It's just very hard for me to put on fat.
Recently I've begun walking several miles a day around my fair city instead of commuting by other means. Reasons being that it doesn't cost me anything (who wants to give the MTA any of their money?) and it gives ample opportunities to day game.
Unfortunately I have been slacking in my workouts this month. Yet paradoxically I've also begun to see the contours of 6 pack abs forming. I have not changed my diet in any significant way these past couple of months, nor have I done any serious new core/ab routines.
The conclusion I've reached is that my walking is what caused the change, and walking is a known good and simple way to burn calories and ultimately lose body fat. I suspect I might have dropped down to 10% or so now - not a huge difference, but enough for the contours of a six pack to display themselves. Whether this will remain as the winter comes closer (and hence, the outdoor walks pause until spring) remains to be seen, but knowing my body, I suspect that it will.
So what does this mean for you, the reader, if you want visible abs but don't yet have them?
If you're heavier fella you're just going to need to change your diet. My cousin, Jason Manenkoff, a competitive powerlifter who owns Iron Arena Power & Performance in Hoboken, New Jersey, has recommended the Renaissance Diet by Mike Israetel to his clients, which I am consequently planning to try over the coming months, as my diet has not been very coordinated.
If you're like me and already lean, you should be able to see your abs. If you can't see your abs, you are too skinny, like I was before. Do some ab and core exercises because you need to pack on a bit of muscle mass. I would then recommend you incorporate some long walks of a couple of miles a day into your routine to shave off that last bit of body fat needed to get that six pack. Tell me if it works for you. I'd be very interested to know.
Also, Mike at Danger & Play has great information on the secrets to abs.
Another thing to be reminded of before I go into the body of this is that I had an advantage here, because I have naturally low body fat. As anyone besides those lame infomercials will tell you, abs are not a result of crunches or core exercises for the most part, they come as a consequence of having a low enough body fat percentage - typically around 13% or under.
I've been sitting at about 11% body fat for the year, good enough to get and maintain a 4 pack. I am also blessed with good genetics meaning that I can be quite liberal in my diet and still maintain that 4 pack. Yes, I know the world isn't fair. It's just very hard for me to put on fat.
Recently I've begun walking several miles a day around my fair city instead of commuting by other means. Reasons being that it doesn't cost me anything (who wants to give the MTA any of their money?) and it gives ample opportunities to day game.
Unfortunately I have been slacking in my workouts this month. Yet paradoxically I've also begun to see the contours of 6 pack abs forming. I have not changed my diet in any significant way these past couple of months, nor have I done any serious new core/ab routines.
The conclusion I've reached is that my walking is what caused the change, and walking is a known good and simple way to burn calories and ultimately lose body fat. I suspect I might have dropped down to 10% or so now - not a huge difference, but enough for the contours of a six pack to display themselves. Whether this will remain as the winter comes closer (and hence, the outdoor walks pause until spring) remains to be seen, but knowing my body, I suspect that it will.
So what does this mean for you, the reader, if you want visible abs but don't yet have them?
If you're heavier fella you're just going to need to change your diet. My cousin, Jason Manenkoff, a competitive powerlifter who owns Iron Arena Power & Performance in Hoboken, New Jersey, has recommended the Renaissance Diet by Mike Israetel to his clients, which I am consequently planning to try over the coming months, as my diet has not been very coordinated.
If you're like me and already lean, you should be able to see your abs. If you can't see your abs, you are too skinny, like I was before. Do some ab and core exercises because you need to pack on a bit of muscle mass. I would then recommend you incorporate some long walks of a couple of miles a day into your routine to shave off that last bit of body fat needed to get that six pack. Tell me if it works for you. I'd be very interested to know.
Also, Mike at Danger & Play has great information on the secrets to abs.
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